Sunday, March 28, 2010

Education/ the Name El Salvador

El Salvador's full name is the República de El Salvador. The República de El Salvador means "The Republic of the Savior".

After children go through elementary and middle school, they have the choice of attending a two year high school or a three year high school. A two year high school prepares the student to go to a university (The University of El Salvador is the only public university in El Salvador). A three year high school gives the child a choice to either graduate with a job, or go to a university.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Recent Earthquake in El Salvador

       Recently in El Salvador, hurricane ‘Ida’ was moving through El Salvador between 6 and 8 November. Hurricane 'Ida' killed 200 people and 18 are still missing. Approximately 15,000 people are now homeless, 80 schools have been damaged and crops , roads, parts of the electricity and water supply networks, communications and healthcare services have been destroyed.

       The country has estimated that more than 1 billion dollars will be needed to repair the damage and come up with a reconstruction and risk reduction plan because El Salvador's vulnerability to earthquakes.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dia De Los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) started back in pre-Columbian times. It is believed by many that this is the time when those who have passed away are allowed to return to earth to visit with their families and friends. On November 1st and 2nd, ceremonies and festivals honor those who have died.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

El Salvador Geography

Location Of El Salvador: Middle America, bordering the North Pacific Ocean, and is between Guatemala and Honduras.

Geographic coordinates: 13 50 N, 88 55 W

land: 20,720 sq km
water: 320 sq km
Area: total: 21,040 sq km

El Slavador is slightly smaller than Massachusetts.
Coastline: 307 km

Climate: tropical; the rainy seasons are May - October, and the dry seasons are
November - April.
Terrain: mostly mountains with narrow coastal belt

Elevation extremes: lowest point: Pacific Ocean 0 m highest point: Cerro El Pital 2,730 m

Natural resources: hydropower, geothermal power, petroleum
Land use: arable land: 27% permanent crops: 8% permanent pastures: 29% forests and woodland: 5% other: 31%
Natural Hazards: known as the Land of Volcanoes, frequent and very destructive earthquakes and volcanic activity

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mi Familia

En mi familia somos cuatro personas: mi mama, mi papa, mi hermana, y yo. Mi familia es
diferente, comico, y atletico, y dibujar.. Tenemos muchos animales y amigos. Vivimos en una
casa en Tucson. A nosotros nos gustan animales, ropa, comida, y agua. Vemos T.V., montamos
caballos, alquilamos videos, y jugamos a los deportes.

Yo soy inteligente, comica, activa, y muy baja. Tengo un gato, un cabayo, mucho conejos, una
computadora, y amigos. Vivo en una casa en Tucson. A mi me gustan mis animales, deportes,
comida, la telefono, y mis amigos. Vemo monto mi caballo, alquilo videos, ir voy al cine, y juego
a los deportes.

Mi mama es muy comica, inteligente, simpatica y simpatica., y debujar. Viven en una casa en
Tucson. A usted ella le gustan animales, comida, y television. Tiene una cara carro, un caballo,
amigos, y ropas. Vema monta caballos, ir va al cine, y ver telivision.

Mi papa es muy comico, diferente, simpatico, y alto. Tiene una perro, una carro, y amigos. Viven
en una casa en Tucson. A usted él le gustan deportes, comida, y television. Vema Juega a los
deportes conmigo, comer, y ve television.

Mi hermana es muy baja, comica, y loca. Tiene una perro, una gato, una caballo, muchos conejos,
y una computadora. Viven en una casa en Tucson. A ella le gustan perros, futbol, y agua. Vema ir
Va al cine, canta, nadar, y juega deportes.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Yo Soy...

Hola! Mi nombre es Carmen. Soy de El Salvador. Mi color favorito es azul. Me gustan mi animales, mi familia, y mis amigos. Mi mama es de California y mi papa es de New York. Me gusta musica, comida, mi gato, y espanol. Mi telefono es 333-3315. Mi correr electronico es Adios!

Monday, August 17, 2009

El Salvador-Un Poco De Todo

The Catholic Church is very important to the culture of El Salvador. Archbishop Oscar Romero is nationaly recognized for his part in speaking about human rights violations that were going on that lead up to the Salvadoran Civil War.

Date English name Local name
January 16 Peace Accords Day Día de los Acuerdos de Paz
Celebrates the peace accords signing between the government and the guerrilla in 1992 that finished the 12-year civil war. Mostly political events.
March/April Easter Semana Santa
Celebrated with carnival-like events in different cities by the large Catholic population.
May 1 Labor Day Día del trabajo
International Labour Day
May 3 The Day of the Cross Día de la Cruz
People decorate a cross in their yards with fruit and garlands then go house to house to kneel in front of them and make the sign of the cross.
May 10 Mothers' Day Día de las Madres
August 1–7 August Festivals Fiestas de agosto
Week-long festival in celebration of El Salvador del Mundo, patron saint of El Salvador.
September 15 Independence Day Día de la Independencia
Celebrates independence from Spain, which they won in 1821.
October 12 Day of the race Día de la raza
Celebration in dedication to the Indians (Amerindians).
November 2 Day of the Dead Día de los Muertos
A day when most people visit the tombs of lost loved ones.
November 21 Queen of the Peace Day Dia de la Reyna de la Paz
December 12 Festival Day of the Virgin Guadalupe Día del Festival de la Virgen Guadalupe
December 24 Christmas Day La Navidad